Daily Procedures
School provides a pleasant and orderly atmosphere and is a safe and well run campus in which to be educated, the following applies;
- Pupils are responsible for the safe custody of their belongings. Money or any article of value should never be left unattended or handed to a teacher or to the office staff for safe keeping. Neither the management nor the School accepts liability for the lost articles.
- Movement in corridors, should be orderly, keeping to the left and with safety of others a priority
- Damage caused by carelessness or vandalism must be made good
- Pupils are asked to use the bins provided and not drop litter inside school or in the playground
- Any pupil returning to school after an absence (no matter how short) is required to bring an Absence Note giving the reason for absence and signed by the parent or guardian
- Pupils should behave in an orderly manner on the way to and from school
- Courtesy and good manners will be expected at all times between pupils and to teachers office staff, janitorial, as well as visitors to the school
The school is keen to assist parents by giving support to the home in any way it can. In return we seek the wholehearted cooperation of all parents in the matter of school discipline, which is essential for the welfare of all, in the maintenance of high standards of pupil dress and appearance, and in the establishment of regular attendance, punctuality and attention to work.
The positive aspect of the behaviour and work of pupils will be emphasised, praised and where appropriate, rewarded.
Firm and fair action should be taken by staff where there is evidence of inappropriate behaviour.
Home Work
Home work is an essential part of the school curriculum, given as a necessary means of reinforcing what is being taught in class. The amount varies according to the class and the subject. Teachers make sure that all pupils keep a record in their planner and enter their homework in it every day. Even if no specific tasks are set. There is always the need for revision and study of work recently done in class to master it satisfactorily. In order to maintain a reasonable standard of homework parents are asked to check that some attempts has been made on the set piece of work that is neat and tidy.
Additional Activities
We have a wide and widen varied selection of additional activities provided by enthusiastic staff both inside and outside the normal school day. The additional activities vary from class to class. Every year school arranges Mother day which allows the students to show their leaned skills in front of the parents.
Class Room Expectations
Horizons Montessori & School provide a framework within which the partnership between pupil and teachers can operate. It is only by maintaining this positive partnership that all pupils can have the opportunity to enjoy school, raise their achievement and reach their full potential.
- You should arrive for class promptly and line up quietly outside the class until invited to enter
- Once in class, you should make yourself ready for work straight away with all books that are required out and ready to use
- You should have your stationary readily available
- You should not act in a way that disadvantages others, for example, by causing a disturbance and so preventing others from concentrating or by criticising or discouraging others who are working hard.
- Answers and comments should not be shouted out. You should raise a hand and wait to be invited to contribute
- You should complete homework on time and without fuss
- Finally, please remember that this school is here to allow you to achieve your full potential. You will be expected to try your best in all of the work you do in class; no one will ask more of you than that.
What You Can Expect From Teachers In Return
- Your class teacher will treat you with respect and civility.
- Your class teacher will endeavour to provide work and activities suitable for your particular abilities.
- Your class teacher will give you every possible assistance to allow you to achieve success in all that you do in the class and for homework.
- Your class teacher will recognise success and provide assistance when you are unsuccessful
Complaint Procedure
If any parent has a complaint about anything to do with the education of their son or daughter please contact the Principal in first instance. The complaints can be registered directly by visiting the school office or on the following numbers and emails
Mob: 0335-9822007
Email: contact@horizons.edu.pk