Student Support

Horizons Montessori & School is a team of staff whose main responsibilities lie with pupils. Principal Teacher meets weekly to share information and support individuals throughout their time in school

We provide Additional support for learning in many ways including

In Class Support

We work with subject teachers to ensure that any pupil requiring additional support receives the right kind of help

Tutorial support

In discussion with the pupils themselves and their parents we may decide that it is appropriate for them to receive 1:1 or small group support. The support we provide includes: consolidation of and/or completion of class work; help with home work; preparation for assessments; specific programme to help improve reading, spelling, comprehension and/or handwriting; literacy skills, numeracy skills, life skills; time out and time to talk.

Liaison with Parents

Regular parent teacher meetings are held in the campuss. Any member of the parents can approach the management with the issue they wish raised and all parents are encouraged to involve themselves with the school. The management works closely with the staff and parents for the benefits of our pupils.

Pupils Profile

These confidential documents are documented on weekly basis after meeting with the staff and management. Each profile outlines both the strengths and difficulties experienced by an individual pupil. It also lists strategies to ensure that appropriate support is provided to increase access to the curriculum for that pupil.

Child Plans

To ensure that the support pupils receive is specific, measureable , attainable, relevant and time bound we may decide in discussion with a pupil, their parents, other members of staff and other professionals that a child plan is needed. A solution focused meeting is held for all those involved and an action  plan is drawn up. This is then reviewed and updated at regular intervals for as long as appropriate.

School Dress

We try and make available acceptable uniform at a reasonable price. Our philosophy actively encourages school uniform for social, economic and academic reasons. Parental and pupil support has been such that all pupils wears school uniform.


Skirt Navy blue with school logo
Shalwar White
Pullover Navy blue
Footwear Black school shoes with white socks


Shirt Sky Blue with school logo
Trousers Navy Blue
Pullover Navy blue
Tie Blue with stripes
Footwear Black school shoes with blue socks

Only school shirts are acceptable. No other logo or badge on clothes is acceptable.